Saturday, March 26, 2016

Brain Dump

Little questionnaire to figure out your priorities
  1. If the world ended in the following time_period (see below), what would you do in the next hour?
    What do I care about? What is my final legacy?
    • 1 Hour:
    • 7 Days:
    • 3 Years:
    • 20 Years:
    • 100 Years:
  2. If you had the following amount to spend, and 1 month to live, how would you spend it?
    Comfort? First I must survive
    • $100:
    • $1,000:
    • $10,000:
    • $100,000:
    • $1,000,000:
  3. If you could only see / talk to the following number of people for the rest of your life, who would you choose?
    My life revolves because of them
    • 1 Person:
    • 3 People:
    • 10 People:
  4. If you could master the following number of skills, what skills would you pick?
    With these abilities, I give or gain from the world
    • 1 skill:
    • 3 skills:
    • 5 skills:
    • 7 skills:
  5. If you were to only remember the following number of events, and forget all other memories, which ones would you remember?
    I awaken, my mind hazy, and only these events form my identity
    • 1 memory:
    • 2 memories:
    • 3 memories:
    • 4 memories:

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